
Showing posts from November, 2016

What's done is done

Well the election has come and gone, in a span of 24hrs we had a new President Elect and it did not sit will with some Americans. As a registered Republican, I am not surprised at the recent events going on. *(Technically, I'm a Centrist) Here's the thing, this entire election I was neither for nor against either candidates. My hope has always been someone for the people, elected by the people. I was against mudslinging and hateful rhetoric. Clearly we had plenty of that. Now here we are with a new President Elect and still hateful rhetoric by a handful of his supporters aka the extremists. I listened to Trumps acceptance speech, and I tell you, had he spoke like that this entire election, he would've been someone I could've voted for. Truly. But he did what he did and still got elected. Cest la vie. I totally get being upset/terrified/scared/nervous of what is to come. Totally get that. I believe everyone has a right to protest in a peaceful manner and express t