What's done is done

Well the election has come and gone, in a span of 24hrs we had a new President Elect and it did not sit will with some Americans. As a registered Republican, I am not surprised at the recent events going on. *(Technically, I'm a Centrist)

Here's the thing, this entire election I was neither for nor against either candidates. My hope has always been someone for the people, elected by the people. I was against mudslinging and hateful rhetoric. Clearly we had plenty of that. Now here we are with a new President Elect and still hateful rhetoric by a handful of his supporters aka the extremists.
I listened to Trumps acceptance speech, and I tell you, had he spoke like that this entire election, he would've been someone I could've voted for. Truly.

But he did what he did and still got elected. Cest la vie.

I totally get being upset/terrified/scared/nervous of what is to come. Totally get that. I believe everyone has a right to protest in a peaceful manner and express their amendment rights without endangering others.
That said, I strongly believe the time to have protested was on Nov 8th. Here's the other thing, clearly Hillary did not get the Bernie supporters or undecided people. That's a shame, but here we are with a Republican president elect.

For 8yrs Democrats listened to Republicans bash President Obama.Well, Republicans here we come full circle and now you get the 4yr (or more, hopefully not) to listen to how Dems don't like Trump. Guess what, BOTH sides deal with it.
America has spoken and here is where we're at for the next 4yrs.

My thoughts on all of this....

1. I encourage those who want to protest, do so peacefully.
2. Racists/Hatefilled people, crawl back into your hole and preferably stay there.
3. What's done is done, we all need to come together and give the new president a chance, and him to give us a chance. Only then, will we know the true intentions of the agenda. Unless you can see the future, then please let me know if the Capitals make it to the playoffs and if I win the lotto. Thanks.


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