Weekend Recap & Coming Up

Afternoon my friends and family, boy, has it been quite a weekend!!!! Tyler and I were able to relax a bit but we stayed rather busy. Friday night we met Kaitlyn, Mr John, Mrs Bobbi, Beth, Barrett, and Baby Lennox at Nando Miliano in downtown Champaign. Hands down best company we had and best food we had. So glad we got to share time with all of them.

The rain kept us in on Saturday which was a major bummer, but we were able to enjoy Champaign's Bourbon, Bacon, and Beer festival with friends. We got our drink on and tried new items. After we had friends over to watch movies and just veg out. My kind of Saturday!
Sunday, again I taught and loved it. I do love my little kids! I'll miss them this coming weekend as I head to MD for Dory's Baby Shower and Mother's Day! I am hoping to get in some time with my bestie, Lauren and time with my mom. Tyler will be gaming it up most of the weekend and watching movies, patiently waiting for my return.

Today's Verse

Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.
                                                      Proverbs 17:28

Well this seems so true! Anyone come across this lately in their life?

Side Notes:
I'd really like to touch on prayer. I know we have offered to pray for any of you who ask and those who don't. I think one of the common things to pray for is for someone to be well or be fine in life-threatening circumstances. I can see how this would seem absurd to pray for if someone is suffering from something fatal. I've had people tell me that its mean to just pray that they will be okay, and that it's also dismissive. When I pray for someone to be well or okay, it doesn't mean that I'm asking God for a cure-all illness prayer. Sometimes praying for someone to be okay means moving forward in their life into the next life, or heaven, or whatever you may think. A prayer for healing could be for those surrounding that person as they move on.
Prayer works and I'd encourage all of you to pray for those in your life and those you have yet to cross paths with.
PS: I firmly believe that God is the one who knows all of our hearts and will judge accordingly. It is not my place or role to judge those who have sinned because I am right there with you. We all stand on the same line, and only God will know our hearts and where we end up. If anyone judges you, remember that and display love and kindness  to them as God has done to us.


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