
Showing posts from June, 2017


Ok, so I can totally respect people asking questions about the process of adoption, like where do all those funds go and how do you know you're donating to the right organization or couple when you assist with adoption? All great questions and thoughts and each are totally valid. The reason I bring this up is because I had someone question us PUBLICLY on Facebook (post since deleted) and not in a very kind way. Here's how you know people are adopting for real and not for KNOW your friends. Most of you know or have known my medical struggle and our want to be parents. We would NEVER take from others to spend that which we raise on non-adoption related things. For someone to suggest that in a rude manner is so bizarre to me. I don't mind having the conversation in private.  If you don't know you can send funds you receive to your agencies for them to hold -similar to putting funds in an escrow account. Same as when you apply for a grant, you don'

T-Shirts for Sale!!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes you need a shirt to get you through!!! These shirts go to a great cause.....they assist with the ever-growing cost of our adoption to bring Baby Schmidt home to us. I need to sell 5 by Jul 5th in order for them to print! Get yours now, and beat the summer heat!!!

HEY!!!! You selling garages?

FINALLY!!!!!! We have collected donations from amazing people throughout Champaign and Savoy!!!! Our garage has been full with items from kitchenware, to kid items, to books, to I don't know what is in that box; and we're about to unload all of it this weekend!!!! Hello Garage Sale Weekend!!! If you're in the area, drive on through!! To get to Prairie Fields: Get on Neil St and follow it til it becomes Dunlap. At the intersection of Dunlap and Old Church Road, turn left and go over the tracks. PF will be the first subdivision on the left hand side of the road. Houses will be marked with posters, signs, balloons, etc.