
Showing posts from August, 2017

It's been a while....

So sorry friends, we haven't updated in awhile. Let's do a quick recap.... July - We've been quite the homebodies in effort to save money. Most evenings we are watching movies, playing with the girls, and doing chores. I had a wedding to coordinate and it was a swelter of a day. While it was fun and beautiful, it was hot and humid. The bride remained gorgeous throughout it tho. Home study Update: In effort to give us a bit more time to save, we've pushed our home study to begin Jan 2018. What some people don't quite understand is that there are things that need to be in place by the start of our home study OR before the last visit. Tyler and I need to finish getting our pre-home study paperwork completed, this includes his autobiography, our guardianship paperwork, a fire escape ladder for the upstairs, three fire extinguishers - one for every level of the house, carbon monoxide detectors throughout the house- this might include an upgrade to the alarms in the h