
Showing posts from January, 2023

Clearly I can't keep this up.....

So.....we moved and I haven't updated this since 2018. WOW!!!!! If anyone actually follows this blog or tunes in...I'm really sorry. Seriously. Clear life happended, A LOT! Where do I even begin for an update since 2018..let me preface, we are still living child-less but have had three angel babies...apparently we are considered D.I.N.Ks (Dual Income No Kids) Okay......2019 - Saw my mom in March, left MD early to avoid closures due to Covid. Quaranteed a lot and made adjustments at work; spent the summer/fall opening our back yard into a space for our friends and their dogs could come hang out; had a lot of bonfires; drank quite a bit; got pregnant in Nov; had a chemical pregnancy 2020 - Covid; still did the above; celebrated new years with friends; got pregnant in Jan; lost baby at 6 weeks gestation; tried IUI in March and had a positive test but didnt' result in a baby; stopped trying and focused on our friends and us. 2021 - Covid; visited my bestie and her family