Well, hello there...

First my lovies, if you aren't following us please do so...

Instagram: itzamemari & elusive7thgear for Tyler
Twitter: itzamemari
Snapchat: itzamemari

Anywho! Hi!!!! It's been awhile since I've updated our blog! We've been busy-ish with work and outdoor projects.
Quick recap, we are close to a year of being homeowners. Remarkable! We've done a lot of painting and a lot of small upgrades. Home life is great!

The girls aka the dogs aka Maya and Piper aka Mosa-bean and Pip-June (hahaha) are doing great. Maya is 5yrs and Piper is 3yrs and I'm getting older by the minute. They are happy girls and keep us happy.

Our plants are semi-surviving this heat and humidity. It's been awful but I'll take it over the cold any day. Altho, I'm itching for Autumn, pie, and crunchy leaves. 

Mom and Sam are coming for a quick visit next weekend. We will finally have Sam in Champaign, IL, but more importantly, in our home. He's never met the girls or seen where we live since I moved out here 5yrs ago. It'll be a short visit but great to show him around our turf.

If I didn't mention in other posts, Tyler and I are putting children on hold right now (but we're still flowing with God's plan) and are planning on traveling to India in 2018. We've come up with a few places and are trying to do some big trips before we settle down with kids. I have my reservations about traveling to India, but am now open to it after much persuasion. We're trying to connect with my orphanage, which has been a daunting task alone and get a point of contact there for when we visit. I'm sure that moment will be bitter sweet. We have a plan to fly straight to Delhi to spend a few days and go see the Taj Mahal. Then to Kerala for a visit. After that it'll be off to Male' or Bora Bora, depending on which direction we go in. I've told Tyler if we go to Bora Bora, our flight home would allow us to have traveled around the entire globe. However, if we go to Male' we'll spend a few days there, and then fly to London for a few days; then home.
So many choices.

In the meantime, we're focused on the now. Work, saving money, church, and our upcoming visit home to MD in December.  Hopefully this gives you a small update of what we've been up to, and what's coming up for us. I'm even struggling to keep up with the Schmidt's, hahaha.


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