Hey Friends!!! Trying my hardest post more than once a month, and I've been failing left and right on this. So perhaps we try this again.

I cannot believe that September is almost over. This month has flown by. We actually went to Tulsa for my first trip there at the beginning of the month. Drove down and spent time with family on Tyler's side. I think I love Tulsa and I could totally move there. Yeah.

 When we got back it took us a while to get back into the groove of work. We've been so busy that our 3rd wedding anniversary crept up on us. I'm so blessed to have a husband who puts me first but also has a good heart and positive energy. He's such an amazing husband.

So as we inch closer and closer to OCTOBER(what!?!?!?!), we'll begin our online training for our adoption. We actually have fantastic news and that is we will  be starting our home study visits with ICM at the beginning of November and finish up by January/February. I know it seems like we've been in limbo and that was because our social worker was filling in for another social worker who was on maternity leave. That really filled up her schedule with more home studies and putting us and other families on a 6 month wait list. So I'm pleased to say that we will be starting our visits sooner than we had expected.


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