
Showing posts from October, 2016

Weekend Recap

 Over the weekend, Tyler and I went to see the Bloomington Thunder play the Cedar Rapids Roughriders, but more importantly to hear our Kaitlyn sing the Natl Anthem. There wasn't a single player who kneeled and she sang beautifully! It was such a fun night, cheering on the team with Kaitlyn, and her mom Michelle.  Sunday we got up bright and early, to go to the Covered Bridge Festival in Bridgeton, IN. It was fun, but my anxiety got the best of me a couple of times. I've concluded that Piper will be going with us next year. I did see another husky and several other dogs there, so that was comforting. Of course, once we got back I prepared myself for an eventful evening. Season 7 premiere of The Walking Dead!!!! I was not surprised as to who Negan picked out to die. I definitely didn't think there would be two deaths in one episode but on the other hand, its AMC/TWD and they don't do the expected. It was sad to see two beloved characters go, but man, Negan was pu

Anxiety and me

Nope. I don't like it. I don't want to go. I'm going to say 'no' even though I have nothing planned. All the things I think to myself. Last weekend, Tyler and I ventured to Curtis Orchard. A darling place that offers apple picking, pumpkins, home-made treats, and country decor. I love going b/c its just a cute place. Inspired by the Wizard of Oz, you can even eat at the Flying Monkey Cafe'. No wonder, I like it. Well, didn't like it last weekend. Crowded to the gill. Even with Tyler, I immediately felt panicked and not in control. There were so many people, that my body wanted to start pushing people out of the way. Carts, kids yelling, people rushing. I could've easily found a corner and stayed there til closing. People staring at me, when my face contorts to every emotion in the book. I know they are looking. The feeling of judgement. Even thinking about it is getting me worked up. This weekend, we are off to the Covered Bridge Festival, and I

Well, least I did it....

I have so much more respect for motorcyclist (least the ones who actually ride safe). This whole weekend was dedicated to completing the U of I motorcycle course and learning new skills. Unfortunately, I didn't pass the riding portion b/c I totally f***ed up on my u-turn. Was great at it during practice and *boom* test time, and I fail. WHAT?! Oh well. I also realized, I make a much better passenger than a rider. Its a shame but I do enjoy riding with someone rather than doing it myself. My thoughts when I ride are as follows..... "This is great! Wind in my face! Only going 20mph! yay!!!          Oh, wait is that a car?!!? Gawd, I hope they don't hit me. I'm scared. How do people do this!? It's so frightening!!" Naturally, I always fear for Tyler when he takes his bike to work. It's not that I don't trust him to be safe, it's everyone else. All the drivers on their phones, or daydreaming, or distracted by their kids. All of those peopl