Weekend Recap

 Over the weekend, Tyler and I went to see the Bloomington Thunder play the Cedar Rapids Roughriders, but more importantly to hear our Kaitlyn sing the Natl Anthem. There wasn't a single player who kneeled and she sang beautifully! It was such a fun night, cheering on the team with Kaitlyn, and her mom Michelle.

 Sunday we got up bright and early, to go to the Covered Bridge Festival in Bridgeton, IN. It was fun, but my anxiety got the best of me a couple of times. I've concluded that Piper will be going with us next year. I did see another husky and several other dogs there, so that was comforting.
Of course, once we got back I prepared myself for an eventful evening. Season 7 premiere of The Walking Dead!!!! I was not surprised as to who Negan picked out to die. I definitely didn't think there would be two deaths in one episode but on the other hand, its AMC/TWD and they don't do the expected. It was sad to see two beloved characters go, but man, Negan was putting down the law. I read a lot of complaints on FB and Twitter on how graphic the deaths were...and it dawned on me that, to those people these characters were like family. So Negan had to break Rick down, and he also broke an entire fan base. How insane is that? I honestly don't mind the graphic nature b/c hello, it's The Walking Dead. For 6 seasons, Rick's group has been slaying zombies, and other people. It's not a show about zombies as some have come to understand, it's about a group of people and zombies just happen to be a catalyst. That is why TWD fans have taken the loss of Glenn and Abraham to heart. I LOVE TWD and beyond excited to see how our group overcomes this loss and the effect Negan's group will have on them moving forward!!

RIP Glenn Rhee & Sgt. Abraham Ford

Too soon?!?!?


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