
Showing posts from June, 2016

So ready!

I don't know about you, but we are ready for that three day weekend. Independence the movie. Ready to celebrate America's independence. So, as some of you may know I've been all over social media like snapchat and instagram. I'm slowly transitioning to using those two as my main forms and sharing to facebook instead. If you want to follow me on Snapchat, Twitter, or Instagram, you can at itzamemari. Well, I'm learning to ride a bike....a motorcycle to be exact. A 2015 Honda Grom 125cc....a little yellow bug. Sadly I have already laid the bike down and scratched up my knee and wrist. BOOOOOOO!!!! Apparently that happens to everyone. I take the safety course through the university end of Sept. We've named my bike Tucker2, after my favorite little man and first little buddy. I miss that ball of fluff...his sweet face. He is etched in my heart forever. Pray that I pick up motorcycle riding quickly. I know my hubs is very happy that I'

I normally don't share but....

Here's some antics from the letters my mom received from the orphanage about my time my Indian name is Maria Amrutham for those that didn't know. Apr 4, 1987 - We have baptized her Maria Amrutham. She is growing happy and healthy. At present she is the only baby and gets lots of love and attention. May 26, 1987 - Maria sleeps the whole day long, but at night likes someone to talk and play with her. Wish I was still like this... Aug 17, 1987 - Maria has put on some more weight is very bright and active. She smiles a lot and calls loudly to catch our attention. Nov 11, 1987 - No teeth have appeared yet, even though she bites and spoil the nipples of the feeding bottle. I still bite on things like straws and ruin them. Feb 25, 1988 - Maria stands up by herself and takes a few steps without falling, then she sits down slowly. She eats well, sleeps well, and loves to play. Mar 3, 1988 - Maria loves mashed banana porridge Aside from my mother's exper

What a weekend...

And I don't mean that in a good way. I feel so much for those victims of the Orlando shooting. I still have questions that will never be answered as to why this person did what he did. It is completely inexcusable to take the lives of others. What does that achieve? Nothing. Here's where my problem lies is with mainstream media slapping labels to the perpetrator...let's just keep fueling the hate for the labels they've given him. He's nobody. He's completely irrelevant in all of this. He stole from others and their families. Yes, I am a Christian and yes, I believe in a Christian marriage and my God is the only one. That said, I am not going to shut down those who do not agree with me or value their lives any less.  In fact in keeping with what Jesus preached, I'm going to lift those around me. I'm not going to spew my distaste for their lives. I'm going to praise them and support them. It is not my place to put labels, or judge on my fellow

It's been a minute...

So returning from MI has been rough! We've had two weekends of non-stop action and now we are officially exhausted. So to we go.... Memorial Day weekend we trekked up to Grand Rapids, MI to be with our wonderful friends, Tim & Christina. We didn't plan anything and it was awesome! T & C showed us all around East Grand Rapids, took us to some eateries, and spoiled us with homemade breakfasts! Tyler had the BEST portabella mushroom sandwich. I tried a bit and normally I am not a fan of Portabella, but dang, this one was AMAZING!!! Tyler and Tim ventured off to the Founders Brewery, while Christina and I went shopping one day. We all enthusiastically did a paint evening. It was so fun to be able to share that with T & C since they hadn't done it before. It was a laid-back weekend with wonderful people. God truly blessed us. Oh did I mention it was supposed to t-storm all weekend and we got nothing but sunshine! Once we returned, the work wee