I normally don't share but....

Here's some antics from the letters my mom received from the orphanage about my time there....fyi my Indian name is Maria Amrutham for those that didn't know.

Apr 4, 1987 - We have baptized her Maria Amrutham. She is growing happy and healthy. At present she is the only baby and gets lots of love and attention.

May 26, 1987 - Maria sleeps the whole day long, but at night likes someone to talk and play with her.
Wish I was still like this...

Aug 17, 1987 - Maria has put on some more weight is very bright and active. She smiles a lot and calls loudly to catch our attention.

Nov 11, 1987 - No teeth have appeared yet, even though she bites and spoil the nipples of the feeding bottle. I still bite on things like straws and ruin them.

Feb 25, 1988 - Maria stands up by herself and takes a few steps without falling, then she sits down slowly. She eats well, sleeps well, and loves to play.

Mar 3, 1988 - Maria loves mashed banana porridge

Aside from my mother's experiences with me from 1yr to 29yrs, these few bits piece together my little life before coming to America. (ha!)

Love love my dears, I'm going to go chew on something.


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