You will never be 'good bye'

Week before last, my family lost our sweet little Jase to a terrible accident. It has been an unreal experience in my life and deeply saddens me to my core. It is unimaginable to think what is going on in our hearts, and minds.

I'm keeping this short b/c I am now processing what happened and why we all got so little time with him. Truthfully, my world has been rocked and it is hard.

With all my heart, I truly believe that when I so longed for a baby, the world shared you, Jase Patrick with me. There you were as your mommy, auntie, and I argued over putting together your crib and sorting out all the diapers you'd go through, the toys you'd play with, and the fun clothes you would wear. I mean who honestly thought a crib was so dang difficult to get together, but there we all were fussing over what piece went where and literally putting it all together to find we put pieces on backwards.
Christmas rolled around and I knew that I had to get you something that you, mommy, and Auntie Lauren could start a tradition with. Those beautiful pictures of you with that Christmas bag in the background....seeing those made me feel like I was there. When I first got to hold you, my heart felt full. This was the little boy in my life that I got to spoil with love.

Now that I'm back to work, everything about you is hitting me hard. I miss you my sweet nugget! That smile, those eyes, those adorable little cheeks. I wish you didn't go. You will always be my first little boy and I will unconditionally love and watch over this family that you brought even that much closer together.

Fly high Jase Patrick. We love you always.

If you are willing and able, please donate to the Jase Patrick Fohs Memorial Fund.


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