The almighty "just you wait til you have kids" phrase and "give them a name someone can pronounce"...

I've been soaking my mind in parenting magazines since we started to consider adoption. I always come across an article that discusses unsolicited advice from people with children. Now, I always like to hear everyone's perspective on having kids. It allows me to understand your struggles day to day.

I've heard the

"just you wait"

"you'll be exhausted"

"times may be rough"

etc. etc.

I completely agree when people tell me that these are things that I MAY come across or experience. The key word, MAY. We have to remind ourselves that not everyone's experience is the same, even with adopted children. We all experience stress, heartache, joy differently. What one person may see as a hard time, might be a positive experience for someone else.

I also, was reading a blog by an adopted individual from India. She was discussing her name and how at first her American parents wanted to change it to an English and/or biblical name. I love all names, she states in her article, but having a name that doesn't tie me to my culture upset me. Ultimately, her parents decided to keep her Indian name as her first name.

This reminds me of an experience about my beautiful cousin, Meera. Meera was actually named Katie. I don't quite know what made her change her name, but she became Meera. At times I wished I changed my name to something easier to say, but I am happy with the name given to me by the orphanage. It's a tie to my culture and my story.

As any parent to-be, I think you should give a name that suits your child and support them later in life should they want to choose a different name.
I, myself will more than likely give our child an Indian name or keep their name from the orphanage.


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