
Showing posts from April, 2016

Recently In The News

I normally don't weigh-in on current politics, just because I strictly believe that if someone wants my opinion, they will ask for it. Otherwise, I could care less what others think. I do enjoy a decent debate once in awhile with people who tend to not get offended or upset over my opinions or my husband's. Recently, the LGBT community has been vying for transgenders to be able to use the bathroom they self-identify with and N.Carolina Gov, signed a bill banning that right to transgenders. Let's just get one thing straight, I DO NOT CARE if a transgender uses the bathroom I happen to be in. I DO CARE if a transgender OR a crazy perv exposes themselves, harasses, inappropriately touches, all the other horrific things that can happen to me or other women and children in the bathroom. I bet there have been numerous times where I've been in the same bathroom as a transgender and didn't even notice. What I care most about is being sexually or verbally harassed or assa

Weekend Recap

Our first Spring on Trefoil, and so far it's going well. We tried our hand this weekend at planting two bushes and some Begonias. We hope our efforts and God help them take-off, but we're completely aware of the possibilities. Saturday, I test drove a Chevy Grand Traverse 2LT and LOVED IT!!! That will definitely be our next vehicle. It'll be big enough for kids, dogs, and everyday travel. We had our lovely friends, Brittney, Jeremy, and their little man, Judah. We roasted smores around the fire and chatted. Overall, the weekend was quick but eventful. Looking forward to Bourbon, Bacon, & Beer Festival with Jen & Ange this coming weekend. Following weekend, I'm headed home for Dorie's baby shower and Mother's Day. Side note: I've recently applied to a couple of positions outside of FDX. All great opportunities to grow professionally, so please keep me in your prayers as we need a positive change that could bring around financial and perso

Another weekend flew by....

Well, we officially had our first burn of the season. We brought out the chairs, grabbed some beverages and sat around the fire Saturday night. It was nice to just have company and catch up. I recommend it to everyone. Sunday we got up early to get ready for church. I've been teaching one of the two year old classes and love every minute of it. I actually had three new trainees. Erin, our Children's minister thought I would do well at training people as well. It feels so nice to be needed. God is truly blessing me and getting me ready for motherhood. I look forward to all that He will bestow upon me. This work week should be low-key. Three more weeks til I head out to Maryland for Dorie's baby shower and Mother's Day weekend. I am really looking forward to seeing familiar faces and my bestie, Lauren. It'll be a quick trip, but it'll just be nice to be home for a bit. Also, we have been struggling with our air conditioner unit and it turns out there's

It's Sunday funday and we've had quite a weekend

This weekend we did some chores, some buying of furniture and some socializing. I must be brief, as we're going to be leaving for church any minute here.... Saturday, we spent most of the day looking for items to hang on our second gallery the midst of finding these items, I found a desk that I must have. Backstory: I've been searching for about a year now for my desk. I was using a desk from Tyler's side of the family that had been passed down, and while it was sentimental it wasn't really a desk I liked. So the search commenced.... We looked it over and figured that it wasn't a bad find. Sturdy, clean, girly, and decently priced. So we bought it. :) Well we gathered everything we got yesterday and put it up in our landing area and made me a space!!! Pictures below and now I have a proper office space!!! <3

Happy Birthday!!!

Real quick, just want to give a shout to our first best girl, Maya Jean!! Pets are such a blessing to us all. They heal us, comfort us, bring joy to our heart! Maya is no exception to this. She has been such a wonderful blessing to Tyler and I. It has been a joy to watch her grow from puppy to now. Happy 5th Birthday, Maya Jean!!! We love you!!!

What a productive weekend...

Tyler and I got so much accomplished this past weekend. He's finished painting the "baby's" room and it looks awesome!!! (no, as of right now there is no baby Schmidt on the way; please continue to pray for us) I took two pano pictures one with the lights on and the other off. I love the colors we picked!!! Toasty Gray and Mountain Mint; both by Behr. Our whole house is Behr paint haha. With the lights on Altho, I do love the room with the lights on,....I am over the moon with the natural light flowing in. It just seems so peaceful and calming. I look forward to cradling our baby in this room. It'll be such a joy when God blesses us. At least I know the following accents will go great! Gray, Navy, Coral, Yellow, and Gold. In natural light We did have a funny moment, I was taking a pano and Tyler moved. He looks like a hobbit. haha. It was a good laugh!! After a long day of cleaning, organizing, and painting, we treated ourselves to dinner at Ale

Happy Friday!

 This was my morning view, coming out of our development. Absolutely gorgeous! God has really blessed us with natural beauty like this. I can't imagine anyone else, creating something so beautiful. What a blessing!!!! Sadly today we have a visitation to attend. A dear family-friend's mom passed away from illness. We know she's in a much better place and God has her close. She's lived quite a long life, as Tyler had mentioned to me in conversation; she's lived through two Depressions, seven wars, and sixteen sitting Presidents. Wow! What a long life!!! I did not know her well, and our association with her was through Tyler's Uncle. So since Uncle Keith is such a gem of a person, I know his mom was one special pearl. I do hope Keith, his dad, and his siblings can find peace and comfort in this difficult time. If you pray, please send them prayers. Big-but-not-so-big weekend for the Schmidts here on Trefoil St. This weekend, Tyler and I are going to bu