What a productive weekend...

Tyler and I got so much accomplished this past weekend. He's finished painting the "baby's" room and it looks awesome!!! (no, as of right now there is no baby Schmidt on the way; please continue to pray for us)

I took two pano pictures one with the lights on and the other off. I love the colors we picked!!! Toasty Gray and Mountain Mint; both by Behr. Our whole house is Behr paint haha.

With the lights on
Altho, I do love the room with the lights on,....I am over the moon with the natural light flowing in. It just seems so peaceful and calming. I look forward to cradling our baby in this room. It'll be such a joy when God blesses us. At least I know the following accents will go great! Gray, Navy, Coral, Yellow, and Gold.

In natural light

We did have a funny moment, I was taking a pano and Tyler moved. He looks like a hobbit. haha. It was a good laugh!!

After a long day of cleaning, organizing, and painting, we treated ourselves to dinner at Alexander's Steak House. I had never been but you grill your own cut of steak, baked potatoes, and Texas toast. I so would do it again!!!
Nom Nom Nom

Sunday went well too! I taught another class and Tyler put a second coat on in the "baby's" room. Then he mowed the lawn, and I did laundry.

It was a relaxing, productive weekend and much needed!!!
I've got a busy work week as probably most of you do as well. I pray that for all of us, it goes smoothly.

I won't ever forget your teachings because you give me new life when I follow them. 
                                                                    Psalm 119:93 


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