Recently In The News

I normally don't weigh-in on current politics, just because I strictly believe that if someone wants my opinion, they will ask for it. Otherwise, I could care less what others think. I do enjoy a decent debate once in awhile with people who tend to not get offended or upset over my opinions or my husband's.
Recently, the LGBT community has been vying for transgenders to be able to use the bathroom they self-identify with and N.Carolina Gov, signed a bill banning that right to transgenders.

Let's just get one thing straight, I DO NOT CARE if a transgender uses the bathroom I happen to be in. I DO CARE if a transgender OR a crazy perv exposes themselves, harasses, inappropriately touches, all the other horrific things that can happen to me or other women and children in the bathroom. I bet there have been numerous times where I've been in the same bathroom as a transgender and didn't even notice. What I care most about is being sexually or verbally harassed or assaulted by ANYONE wherever I am and that does not come from ONLY transgender people...that can come from any individual. 

Christianity has taught me to love others the way God loves us all, and I do what I can to accomplish that daily. I know my beliefs may disappoint those close to me, but that does not mean I don't love and support you. I may not support your decisions and choices, but I still support you as a human being and family. I hope that others can see life like this because it is too short, to argue and stay mad at others. God can take us at any moment for a bigger task. Love one another.

This sort of runs into a question I have been asked in the past, which I fail to answer but got a great response from a wonderful friend yesterday..basically the question is our church progressive? Yes in some fashion we are....NO, the church we attend would never turn away anyone. Do we agree with your sin? No we don't, but we'd never turn you away. We would hope that your presence in church and allowing God to work in your life will help you turn away from your sin(whatever that may be). We are in no place to judge you or your heart. A good Christian will not judge and leave the judgement to God on the day you meet him. Only He knows what's in your heart and only He can judge you. 

Back to the topic at hand, all I ask from anyone using the women's bathroom is keep it clean, and give a courtesy flush.

Please keep in mind that this is solely my opinion and that it most likely differs from my husband's or other family members.


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