When you come down from that high

Yesterday evening, I attended my very first small group. It was completely reassuring to meet couples who are experiencing the same things I am. Ups and downs of marriage, families, balancing work, etc.

I had this amazing high as we went through the readings and discussed it. Just listening to those around express their ideas was wonderful.

My hope is Tyler will join us all moving forward.

In the meantime, my biggest take away was towards the end of the evening when the women would prayer for the person next to them. For someone who could pray so eloquently for someone they just met and say such touching wonderful things, was amazing! I felt so blessed and really felt higher than life. You know it's the Holy Spirit working  in ya, when you feel like that. ;-)

I look forward to the next small group! Thanks Brittany and Jeremy!

James 5:16
So confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great effectiveness.


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