It's All Good

So I'm going to make a habit not to blog - unless its really necessary - on Sundays. As I dig deeper into my faith and relationship with God, I want to devote my Sundays to church and reflecting on the messages spoken that day. Plus, it's a great day to not be in front of a computer, since I'm in front of one 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.

In the meantime, today's post will reflect a little on this past weekend and what's coming up for the Schmidts.

Fri eve, we hosted a wine & cheese party with our friend, Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is family, lets just be real here, and it is always a joy when we get to share time with her.

Sat, we picked up paint for the upstairs hallway and then a small shopping spree at Sephora occurred. :)

Sunday, we went to church and I truly had a moment of being overwhelmed by my love for God and his son, Jesus. I didn't ball, but held back some stifled tears. It was a good message and made me reflect that I will most likely be ahead of my husband in our spiritual path. It also, reminded me that I need not pressure him but uplift him. I look forward to discussing some of these items at our small group this week. *(reading Ephesians 6). Then we had Jen & Ange over to watch the UFC fight that aired Sat, had some conversation and fun with them. Ange hadn't seen the house since we moved in back in Sept. It was nice for her to see the work we've done.

Lastly, today has been quite fast! Jane the Virgin is on tonight and I think I might paint my nails. Off to the grocery store to stock our fridge and I look forward to this four day work week. . . . in case you forgot, I turn 29 (for the first time) this Fri, so I took a day off of work! WOOOHOOO



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