Well if puppies don't get me this will...

I follow Holt and AWAA's blogs regarding adoption, and there's normally a few sweet stories of God bringing a family together.

I get really touched when I read these, b/c of three things...

1. Adoption is amazing!

2. God is wonderful and to constantly read that not only are the families praying but social workers are praying, and the caretakers are praying for matches....just wow! To have complete strangers pray for you is wonderful.
Whoever receives a one such child in my name receives me.        Matthew 18:5

3. There's a happy ending. 

I am so close to adoption and to be able to one day satisfy the calling that God has put upon me will be such a great joy. It takes a special type of person to so lovingly open their heart to a child that needs a home. It may be easy to conceive your own, but for those who struggle, or are simply called to have their family in a different way...adoption is the answer. God has a plan for us, and I am so open to the glory of His plan for my family. May his blessings rain down upon us all. For he is mighty.

For God, who said "let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ.
                                                      2 Corinthians 4:6


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