It's our Friday!

Can you say three day weekend???

Of course you can!

Tomorrow is Good Friday, and Tyler has off and I've taken a vacation day. Not sure what tomorrow will have in store for us, but it'll be productive.

So the other day, we had our friend Jordan and his dad come over to check out this water stain on our living room ceiling. Apparently the previous owners had a leak and tried covering it up themselves. Tsk tsk tsk. They also failed to disclose that on their inspection report. Well lucky for us, it is not an active leak and will just need the right color of paint to cover it up. What a relief! Homeownership and it's joys!

Small group tonight! So looking forward to seeing such wonderful people and digging into the first chapter of Forgotten God. So far it really opens up about the Holy Spirit, and how to access it within.

Today's Verse

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end.
                                                       Lamentations 3:22

Now, I have never dug into Lamentations, but sounds like I should since I'm completely unaware of its place in the bible. However, today's verse is so true in every aspect of my life and hopefully yours. I used to feel my decisions, may have disappointed many around me. It wasn't necessarily that they were bad decisions, but just ones that weren't always what was expected. If anything, we want those we love to find peace, happiness, and always be kind to those they come across in their life. However they go about finding those three things should be of no consequence to others. Some find it in religion, a hobby, sports, etc. Doesn't matter how you go about it, as long as you find it. For me, it's been church and accepting that Jesus Christ died for me. I have this great relationship with Him and have always found peace in his words, happiness in the people He guides me to, and kindness flowing from me to others even on my bad days. Get out there and find yours.


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