First post and it's March 1st

I figured this blog will serve as an online diary of our lives and recap important moments of our lives. . . so here we go.


You have arrived here by the grace of God and have already started reading our first post. Whether you were searching for this or found it by chance; you have arrived. I(Mari) hope the topics posted here, are enjoyable by you.

Please feel free to share our blog. Who knows, it may just get you motivated to start your own.

A little background: My husband, Tyler, and I have been together for five years and married for 1year (going on two). We have settled ourselves and our dogs into a home, and are working on it to make it our own. We're first time homeowners and so far, have enjoyed the tasks that come with owning a home. Our dogs keep us busy and so does our new found place of worship.

We were recommended by our friends to attend First Christian Church and so far we've enjoyed it. We not only love the contemporary take on the message of God, but the atmosphere and friends we've already made.
This truly resonates the beginning and now our current situation...

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
 - Proverbs 11:14


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