A Letter To My Kid...


This is from my journal and I wanted to share it with all of you.

To: My Child

Hello, my love. It is I, your mother. I've been meaning for some time to share my thoughts and feelings with you, as I await your arrival. I do not know how you will come to me, but I love you none the less. Whether you arrive to your father and I by someone else's womb or my own, we are waiting for you to make your appearance. You will be the greatest blessing God has bestowed upon us and we can hardly wait!!!

There are a few things you should know about your father and I......

  • We will always try our best to give you the life you deserve.
We will constantly strive to provide you with the tools to lead a healthy life. Our guidance system will not only include open lines of communication, but a view of God. He can bless your life, if you just open your arms to him. I can promise that there will be times we may fail you. In fact, we will probably fail  you every day in some small way. Don't hold it against us, parenting is not easy and it's always done by trial and error. Like every parent, we're just going to be figuring it out as we go.

  • Your father can be hard on you and hold you to high expectations. 
There will be points in your life, you feel you can't do anything to impress your father. This is something I work on daily with him, so that he doesn't turn you or your future siblings away. Your father is a hard, tough, stubborn at times man. He and I come from different walks of life, and in a way I help him to be a better person. His past has a lot trying moments and he's seen a lot. If you ever feel like you've disappointed him, don't worry, he will get over it.He will never stop loving you. He just wants what is best for you and will push/challenge you to open your eyes to your possibilities. But he is a curmudgeon and at times a pain in the toosh.

  • I will most likely let you get away with itty bitty things. 
 I am what you call a softie. I nurture rather than toss you to the wolves. Your father will most likely be the bigger disciplinarian, and I will agree with him 95% of the time. However, I will also ask you to stop, think, and then act, so you can be aware of your consequences. I feel that we make choices every day and sometimes they aren't the right choices. We rely on others to "bail" us out and not accept the consequences. That is one of the biggest issues with kids today. 

  • You can actually talk to us, about anything. 
You will feel like you can't tell us certain things, but remember nothing is off limits. We will hear you, talk with you not at you, and guide you as  we see fit. We will always be open to whatever you want to discuss...sex, friendships, sports, etc. We'd rather you talk to us, than hide away in your room. We only want to help you. 

  • We might be those "cool" parents.
It's very possible that your friends will think we're cool. It's ok and we'll do our best not to fully embarrass you in front of them. If you respect us, we'll respect you....that's how it is in life too. 

  • Whatever you become, we will always love you. Even if we don't agree. 
You are our child and always will be. We only want whats best for you, but sometimes that won't be what you want for yourself. That's okay.

  • I will never keep your secrets from your father. 
It is not because I can't keep a secret, it is because your father and I are a team. We need to co-parent and even when you seek my advice he will need to know about it. I will never out you in front of him. I will always suggest you tell him. Whatever it is, we will help you fix it. You will always have consequences. It is life, you can't just get away with things.

  • You do not have to be into sports and activities.
 Would we like you to be active and into sports or activities....oh yes. In fact, regardless of being a girl or boy, I am hoping you will love hockey as much as I do. We will always challenge you to try things. You'll never know if you like something, if you don't try them.    

  • You will teach us. 
I truly look forward to this. I'm excited to see how you change your father's life and my own. We will learn to adapt and learn from you. It'll be very exciting!! I can promise that.

  • We will struggle with letting go....at least I will.     
This is something that every parent goes through. When is the right time to let you spread your wings? Honestly, I haven't got a clue, but you will know when. I'll have to watch carefully for those signs. You will fly and we'll be watching, ready and able to catch you. 

Lastly, to close this letter....We love you, no matter what. We cannot wait for you to show up. Whether we conceive or adopt you, you will be our own. Nothing will change that. We look forward to every minute with you and all the challenges and adventures you'll take us on. I love you, my little one and I'll be seeing you soon.

Your Mom & Dad


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