Weekend Recap

This past weekend was filled with home improvements. Tyler finished the first coat of the upstairs hallway and it looks great. Rugged Tan by Behr was a great color choice on my part.

Guess people will just have to visit to get the full effect. (wink, wink)

So we decided we're going to re-do the nursery room. Yes, we're calling it the nursery room because whenever God blesses us, regardless of age of that child, that will be their first room.
(We are waiting for God to direct us towards treatment or adoption. So if you can, please continue to pray for us as we weigh our options and look for God's guidance.) We are open to all paths towards building our family.


We are covering up the Ruby Red we initially put up and the remaining tan. Seems sad to say goodbye to my Ruby room, but when I stopped and looked I realized it would be extremely dark for a nursery and adding dark colored furniture just wasn't my style. So we're going with a nice Gray and a mint color. I love Behr's selection for mint colors. We agreed on Dinner Mint by Behr and I cannot wait to get it up on the wall.

So that's our projects and as we get closer to warmer weather, it'll be time for Tyler and I to tackle gardening. I've been looking for plants that I won't be able to kill, even if I forget to water them. So please, comment below any great suggestions. Our yard space is hit with sun and shade. The sun actually goes right over the top of the house from East to West, and since our home faces North, we need plants that do well in light and shade and that are pet friendly for the backyard. Front yard not so much, as long as I don't have swarming bees by the front door. That freaks me out. A trip to Praire Gardens will be much needed as it gets warmer.

Church was great this weekend. I missed the sermon but was with the two year olds for the first time, teaching them about Palm Sunday. I tell you, kids say the funniest things. I had one little gentleman tell me, when we asked him if he'd like to come join us say "oh, I don't have to because I'm a big kid.". We also had a set of twin girls in our class and one little boy told them he had a sister, and their response was "you're my girl" as they looked at each other.
 I really am glad we attend FCC and have met such wonderful people. We closed out the weekend with dinner and Parks & Rec with our Kaitlyn. It was good to have her back from NOLA.

This week is a four day week for Tyler and I. Finishing painting and getting ready to enjoy Easter with old friends and new friends. Small group this week. We just started A Forgotten God by Francis Chan. (link is below). I pray that this book will guide us to find a deeper connection to the Forgotten God aka the Holy Spirit.

Today's Verse 

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
                                                                   Romans 6:23

Find the Forgotten God


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