Today, I was born.


I am twenty-nine years old today.

My last year of my 20's. I'm getting a little bit older, and a little more wiser (hopefully). Twenty-nine brings lots of new things to our table, the main thing being starting a family. However we go about it, I know God will guide us.

In the meantime, it brings revamping our new home and making it ours. Getting ready to get outside and do touch-ups, planting, mowing the lawn (Tyler's job), having bonfires, and enjoying the sunshine. I am so glad I took today off. I needed the extra sleep, and time to really reflect on the changes in my life thus far.

I look around this quiet home and realize that I've been unbelievably blessed. God doesn't bless us the way we think we should be blessed. He delivers the blessings we need most. The ones we don't think we need until we have them in our lives. The blessings that, we quietly sneer at that didn't come to us when we initially needed them. It's such a beautiful thing to have God in my life. I have faith that things will be delivered to us on His time. The evidence that God is working in my life, is that I am here to enjoy today. Another day to see the man I love, another day to play with the dogs I adore, another memory to reflect on...I look forward to more of God working in my life.

I have one wish, and that's for God to continue working in my life, my friends lives, and continue to bless us, teach us, and love us.

Happy birthday to me!!!

‘May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.’
                                                    Numbers 6:24-26


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