HAPPY DECEMBER 1ST!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ready to spread some holiday cheer!
I love this time of year.

In all seriousness, this is truly my favorite time of year. Baking, giving, snuggling, and so much more. I am still a kid at heart when it comes to the holidays. I have very specific routines when it comes to Christmas and decorating. Over the past five years I've had to compromise on some of those routines b/c I live with a guy who honestly is not a decorator by any means. He's my own personal Grinch. 

The house is MOSTLY decorated, but this year we decided to give away our tree to a family that really needs one. Which while very generous, it gives me the excuse to buy a brand new one next year. I like new. So no tree this year, we shall enjoy the tree my mom put up when we get home to MD. 
The girls, are enjoying the "cooler" weather right now. Mosa(aka Maya) is poofing out a bit more. Her undercoat is getting thick. She looks so funny when we put her collar on her, b/c all of her hair pushes forward and she looks like a lion. Pip(aka Piper) well she does what she can w/ her coat. I don't think June has fully grown out of her puppy fuzz. She has some areas on her back that are pup fuzz. That's why she's so soft, and sweet. Little June Moon. 

I hope everyone finds their bliss this Christmas season. I look forward to sharing moments with my little family and praying God guides us through. We have to trust in his plan and trust in our Lord  and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.  Isaiah 7:14

So for my friends and family here is a little prayer from me to you.

Lord God, I ask that you reach into each person's life and give them your light. Provide them with whatever you feel they need. If they struggle help them to see the lesson in their struggle. 
Lord, I ask that you continue to bless all my friends and family members. Even if they do not purposefully seek you, bestow your blessings on them. For they should know your kindness and love, even if they do not know the source.
Give peace to those who need it. Provide love to those who need it. 
God, I ask that you keep us safe in this very interesting time. I know that one day, you will bestow your judgement on each of us. Help us to be good and live lives full of duty to those less fortunate. 
In your name I pray.



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