When you lash out, keep it simple.......and Peak.

Real quick, just want to say my piece that family for me is anyone who holds value to my life and/or has been placed in my life at such an integral point in my life and seen me through. I have no "blood" family (yet), and that doesn't mean you and yours is more "real" than mine. To state such falsifying things really shows that even in your 40's, you are still ignorant and hateful. I feel sorry for you that you cannot accept what is. I hope you grow out of your hate and move on with your life and leave me and mine alone!!
Besides, why would I come for a visit to be verbally insulted and degraded to my face, when I'd rather enjoy insults on Facebook? Don't be daft. Trust, you don't want me to visit and I truly don't want to see your face. I wish your parents raised you better b/c there are people in your family who have welcomed me with open arms and have been loving and kind. They certainly did the best they can, but sometimes even loving parents can't fix stupid, ignorant, hate filled children.


Peak is coming to a close! FINALLY!!! We just had our last Sunday sort and pushed lots of volume through to other locations. Really glad that this has been a smooth peak overall.

I truly hope as we get closer and closer to Christmas that everyone has a most enjoyable and blessed Christmas.


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