Pass the Kleenex. **Spoiler Alert** My thoughts on Lion...

(Hopefully I do not give too much away)

"In India, over 80,000 children go missing each year and there are over 11 million children living on the streets."

After watching Lion, I literally cannot imagine living on the streets of India. Being lost for over 25years. If you have not seen Lion, I highly suggest it. A movie that touches on the feeling of not just actually being lost, but missing that part of you. I don't remember anything about India. I'm as American as I can possibly be, but some are not as lucky. As the movie portrays the real-life journey of Saroo(Sheru) Brierley and him being lost, adopted, lost, and finally searching for his old life; you can't help but feel every bit of sadness and uncertainty as the movie moves along.
Its themes are universal. Everyone has a home, and everyone feels connected to it, no matter how far they travel.

I too have felt that lost feeling from time to time in my life. The 'what ifs'. I've tried searching for my bio mom and unfortunately will never find her. (another story) I can completely relate to not wanting to disappoint my mom in a search like that, same as Saroo feels. I think that comes with adoption any way. The want to know where you come from. It's perfectly normal, but also really hard to explain to someone who raised you.

One line that really struck a cord, was by Nicole Kidman's character, I'm going to paraphrase it b/c I cannot seem to find the quote online...

"There are so many people in this world that need a home. We just wanted to give that to someone."

That right there is exactly why I want to adopt. Not that bio kids aren't just as important, but there are so many children in need of a loving home. These type of ideals push Tyler and I more to adopt than to just have a bio kid, and also I have this need to give what my mother gave to me...opportunity and love.

I encourage everyone to see Lion. It's beyond moving.


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