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Hey Friends!!! Trying my hardest post more than once a month, and I've been failing left and right on this. So perhaps we try this again. I cannot believe that September is almost over. This month has flown by. We actually went to Tulsa for my first trip there at the beginning of the month. Drove down and spent time with family on Tyler's side. I think I love Tulsa and I could totally move there. Yeah.  When we got back it took us a while to get back into the groove of work. We've been so busy that our 3rd wedding anniversary crept up on us. I'm so blessed to have a husband who puts me first but also has a good heart and positive energy. He's such an amazing husband. So as we inch closer and closer to OCTOBER(what!?!?!?!), we'll begin our online training for our adoption. We actually have fantastic news and that is we will  be starting our home study visits with ICM at the beginning of November and finish up by January/February. I know it seems

Clearly I can't keep this up.....

So.....we moved and I haven't updated this since 2018. WOW!!!!! If anyone actually follows this blog or tunes in...I'm really sorry. Seriously. Clear life happended, A LOT! Where do I even begin for an update since 2018..let me preface, we are still living child-less but have had three angel babies...apparently we are considered D.I.N.Ks (Dual Income No Kids) Okay......2019 - Saw my mom in March, left MD early to avoid closures due to Covid. Quaranteed a lot and made adjustments at work; spent the summer/fall opening our back yard into a space for our friends and their dogs could come hang out; had a lot of bonfires; drank quite a bit; got pregnant in Nov; had a chemical pregnancy 2020 - Covid; still did the above; celebrated new years with friends; got pregnant in Jan; lost baby at 6 weeks gestation; tried IUI in March and had a positive test but didnt' result in a baby; stopped trying and focused on our friends and us. 2021 - Covid; visited my bestie and her family

Just Waking Up

Oh my dear friends and readers, I'm back. It's been a long time since my last post. We've been terribly busy with our adoption and new career changes. I'd like to provide a small update to our adoption. We have had a change and determined at this time we'll be going the domestic route. There's so many children here in the states that need loving homes. We shall see where this takes us. In the meantime, we've finished our home study and I have finished our adoption profile book. This is a requirement for us, so please enjoy. Click here to view this photo book larger Turn your favorite photos into a photo book at .

The almighty "just you wait til you have kids" phrase and "give them a name someone can pronounce"...

I've been soaking my mind in parenting magazines since we started to consider adoption. I always come across an article that discusses unsolicited advice from people with children. Now, I always like to hear everyone's perspective on having kids. It allows me to understand your struggles day to day. I've heard the "just you wait" "you'll be exhausted" "times may be rough" etc. etc. I completely agree when people tell me that these are things that I MAY come across or experience. The key word, MAY. We have to remind ourselves that not everyone's experience is the same, even with adopted children. We all experience stress, heartache, joy differently. What one person may see as a hard time, might be a positive experience for someone else. I also, was reading a blog by an adopted individual from India. She was discussing her name and how at first her American parents wanted to change it to an English and/or biblical name. I lo

New Beginnings!!

First and foremost, I want to give all the glory to God for the insane blessing he has bestowed upon me and my family. Last week, I was offered a case coordinator position at Carle Foundation Hospital & Carle Physician's Group. It's a salaried position and I'll be moving into a management-bound position. That will set me up, should I ever bounce around Carle to be able to apply for higher positions. I don't know if I will do a lot of that as the position I've obtained is so good that people typically retire out of it. I am so excited to get out of office administration and do something that is more challenging. There's definitely administrative aspects to the position, but I get to dive into healthcare and that's something I genuinely enjoy. I'm still overwhelmed with excitement, and knowing that I'll be 1 of 6 case coordinators in Carle -which has like 7,000 employees - and the team members I already know and am familiar with. This is going to

It's been a while....

So sorry friends, we haven't updated in awhile. Let's do a quick recap.... July - We've been quite the homebodies in effort to save money. Most evenings we are watching movies, playing with the girls, and doing chores. I had a wedding to coordinate and it was a swelter of a day. While it was fun and beautiful, it was hot and humid. The bride remained gorgeous throughout it tho. Home study Update: In effort to give us a bit more time to save, we've pushed our home study to begin Jan 2018. What some people don't quite understand is that there are things that need to be in place by the start of our home study OR before the last visit. Tyler and I need to finish getting our pre-home study paperwork completed, this includes his autobiography, our guardianship paperwork, a fire escape ladder for the upstairs, three fire extinguishers - one for every level of the house, carbon monoxide detectors throughout the house- this might include an upgrade to the alarms in the h


Ok, so I can totally respect people asking questions about the process of adoption, like where do all those funds go and how do you know you're donating to the right organization or couple when you assist with adoption? All great questions and thoughts and each are totally valid. The reason I bring this up is because I had someone question us PUBLICLY on Facebook (post since deleted) and not in a very kind way. Here's how you know people are adopting for real and not for KNOW your friends. Most of you know or have known my medical struggle and our want to be parents. We would NEVER take from others to spend that which we raise on non-adoption related things. For someone to suggest that in a rude manner is so bizarre to me. I don't mind having the conversation in private.  If you don't know you can send funds you receive to your agencies for them to hold -similar to putting funds in an escrow account. Same as when you apply for a grant, you don'