They call it a homestudy!

Well, it's 6:45pm on Thursday and I'm feeling mighty accomplished! Just applied for our homestudy through Illini Christian Ministries. Such great people!!! When I was on my search for a Hague Accredited homestudy agency, ICM kept popping up. I read pretty much everything on their website and started correspondence with Dayna, who's their Adoption Specialist. She truly eased my fears, answered all my questions, and provided tons of support - and we weren't even her clients yet!!!

So ICM and the Schmidts are going head first into this adoption together, and I couldn't be more excited!!! One step closer to Baby Schmidt!!!!

Thankfully, ICM has a 6 month waiting list for home we probably won't begin ours until Nov/Dec of this year. If we're lucky, we'll get a tax season behind us to assist with the costs. Tyler and I have a lot of paperwork upon us though. Fingerprinting, adoption education, getting certified copies of things.....just a lot ahead of us. So we ask for prayers to be financially safe through all of this, sanity, love, understanding if we can't go out, and support. We appreciate all of you!!!

If you're interested in adoption or wanting to support ICM, go over to


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