Things we must consider

I cannot speak for other's experiences, heart, or choices. Tyler and I sat down last night to go through an extensive list of disabilities that were correctable and some that were not. It was pretty rough to realize that potentially any future matches may or may not have issues that would need extensive care. It's a little scary too.

We are open to common issues because we need to be. Those include, malnourishment during pregnancy, no information about birth parents, unknown/estimated age, prematurity 32-36 weeks, low birth weight 3.5-5.5lbs, Mongolian spots, crossed eyes, TB inactive/active, developmental delay - mild, experienced neglect, experienced multiple placements/caregivers, albinism, and ineffective vaccinations.

Some items that we have a choice of considering that we will consider are indiscriminate attachments/affections, withdrawn, experienced physical abuse, difficulty understanding cause and effect, needs therapy, hyperactivity - mild, learning disability - mild, limited vision, rickets, scoliosis, burns - mild, food allergy, kidney malfunction - mild, missing organ - single kidney, hearing loss- mild, heart murmur- minor, stable, and asthma.

We may be matched down the road with a child or two that have the above conditions. I feel strongly about the list of disabilities/issues that I had to choose from. Some of the options that we just couldn't consider were incest, HIV+, Hepatitis, Brittle Bone, just to name a few. There were some that in the long run, I feel I would have difficulty explaining to our child such as conception from rape. It is very difficult to even think about all the questions that could come up from that conversation. While I felt we could consider, Tyler was just not sure right now. I don't blame him or I either, it's very delicate. We will have to pray on that, though I'm certain God has our child all picked out.
It is difficult to know that you may be matched with a child that has medical or mental needs. I know we'll manage just fine and have lots of support.

I'm glad that there are placement agencies that go to these lengths to determine the prospective parent(s) needs and the needs of the child. I appreciate the thoroughness.

May God continue to guide us and assist us in making the right choices. Little baby Schmidt, wherever you are we love you so much and can hardly wait to begin our life as a family and experience all the adventure you have in store for us.


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